Sunday, August 30, 2009

I came out of the closet

Tonight I came out of the closet on Facebook about my pregnancy... I dropped so many hints, but now the bomb has been dropped!  Now I have to fight to restrain myself from posting things like "my back is killing me" or "baby get off my freaking bladder" just because I can...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Its Official!!!!

I am officially in my 2nd trimester!!
Yay baby lemon!  I am still waiting for the part where I start to get all my energy back and desire for food.  Statistic check:  I have only gained 2 lbs... which is still less than when I first got pregnant.  How is it I am bloated as big as a house, with a baby belly, yet losing/maintaining my weight.  I am sure I will laugh at this post later on when I am a fat cow.  I am going to stop complaining about pregnancy making me thinner....... now.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I miss the Shore

I went to the shore Sunday night, I was so excited to go hang out on the beach on Monday, and needless to say, that did not happen.  I had a little bit of work to do, so I ran out to the store, and then offered to make my mom and Mike dinner, so I stopped in A&P.  I walked in and the stench of rotten fish and veggies was so overwhelming, I immediately scrapped the rest of my work, laid down and felt like I did three weeks ago when I spent every day huddled over the toilet. I think it was the combination of the heat and the grocery store, but man, it was rough, and my day at the beach turned into anything but.... 
 just wanted to vent.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So today I went to the hospital for an echocardiogram.  My internist wanted to check on how my hypertension has effected my heart over the past 10 years and see how my heart can handle the stress of delivery.  Mike came because he thought the idea of seeing my heart on the ultrasound was cool.... he was impressed.  It was so strange looking!  It was crazy that the ultrasound tech could tell all about my lifestyle based on my heart. The best line she gave me after I told her I was a smoker until June, "the heart is the best lie detector... I could tell before you even told me because of the heart; just so you know when you are a smoker it is like using rabbit ears, non-smokers you are working with HDTV."   We get the results when I visit the Dr. in September as long as everything is ok, until then no news is good news!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

13 weeks!!

So long first trimester!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

12 Week Photo Shoot

We went to the Dr. yesterday and got to see baby schmieder again on the ultrasound machine!  It actually looks like a baby now.  We saw the baby swimming, spinning, and waving at us.  The ultrasound tech even laughed at one point when the baby had both hands up like it got caught doing something wrong.  Heartbeat was good- same as before, it was awesome....  not so awesome, we have to wait until our 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex, though Mike swears he saw "junk".  The ultrasound was super clear, the pics, however not so much, but enjoy!

Monday, August 10, 2009


So the counter says we have had a ton of visitors, but we officially sent the link to family members today!  We are actually going to have people we know visiting the site!

Almost week 12!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reality Check

I had my 1st real reality check the other day.  I realized that there is no safe rear-facing car seat that will fit in red.  My wonderful, perfect, favorite dream car is the least practical car to have with a newborn.  As my lovely husband pointed out, you cannot fit and baby and a stroller in the car at the same time, unless the top is down.  This could stand to be problematic....  Based on this new discovery, I am officially going to be saying goodbye to my mini cooper convertible (temporarily)  
We did an inventory of just a random trip to the beach house for the weekend would entail, and realized that this family needs to have at least 1 SUV.
-Dog Crate
-Something for Baby to Sleep in
-Mike & I's Clothes
-Quoit Boards
-Diaper Bag
-More inevitable Baby Stuff

Unfortunately, the mini is not equipped for such a challenge, so I am thinking about getting one of these:  

We will see.....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 11

Almost finished with the 1st trimester!!!  I cannot wait!
I am finally starting to get over the sickness and feel better!  Almost time to tell everyone!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 10!

Almost through week ten, and Baby Schmieder is growing like a weed!  Last week we were an olive, today we are a.... rock or lump of coal?  Ok not the best analogy, but you get the point.  He has also graduated officially to a fetus!  So long embryo!  I am also FINALLY starting to get my appetite back, which makes me happy, but also makes me concerned that I am going to eat everything in sight and be the size of the house.  Good thing I lost those 20lbs before the wedding!  Unfortunately, now I am on a road to gaining them all right back!