The title of this post says it all, only this time they think the elevated blood pressure was just an anxiety attack. I was supposed to go to the Dr. at 6:30 to discuss when we were going to be inducing me... apparently it got to me. At 2:00 I started feeling funny, and it just got worse. Finally I checked my blood pressure:

I called, went into the office, by the time I was sent to the hospital it was 160/102. I got to the hospital, started to relax, Mike came a gave me a big hug and told me that trip #3 was going to be uneventful and that the only way we were going to go home and not have a baby was if I calmed down. Here is Mike trying to make me laugh about trip #3:

We watched comedy central and while they ran my labs my BP dropped back down to normal. The doctor called them "Beautiful Levels"
This made me very happy.

As soon as we started talking to the doctor, however, about how this can not happen again because next time I am going to have a baby, it shot back up to 138/100.... this is when she said it was definitely stress related and told me to go home, relax, and sleep.
We have a follow up on Monday morning at 8:15, and we are taking it from there. The doctor is also going to try to jump-start things naturally, and told us ways that we can try to naturally create progress so that I can work towards my other goal, NOT having a c-section. So much for addressing one thing at at time. Regardless, I am so happy that I was able to wait it out another week,
now lets see if I can make it to 37 ;-)
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