being a mom eats a lot of your time.... but I promise to be more diligent in my updates! Here is a whirlwind update of my over-achiever:
Nyla rolled over belly to back at 5 weeks old.
Nyla rolled over back to belly at 6 weeks old.
Nyla discovered her voice and screeched at the top of her lungs every 30 seconds for a few days at 3.5 months. She also fits into the fun onsie aunt michelle got her in Vegas!
Nyla cut her first tooth at 4 months (my poor attempt at filming still eludes me)
Nyla started eating formula and rice cereal at 4 months, 2 weeks, she LOOOOOVES food.
Nyla started making raspberries at 4.5 months
Nyla dances ALL THE TIME in her vibrating chair!
Nyla crawled at 5 months and one day!!
More updates to come!
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