Friday, October 30, 2009

Trimester Breakdown

One of the joys of pregnancy is trying to figure out how the weeks, months, trimesters all add up. I found a great site today that takes all the guesswork out! I don't think it gets much clearer than that!
The website is

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

23 Weeks!

So we are at 23 weeks already. How exciting! I have only 17 weeks to go! I am officially in month six, and reality is creeping up on me. I know I have a lot of time to go, but with the holidays coming I feel like time is going to fly by! I mean we are in week 9 of the NFL season already!!! As I said last week, from now on we get a monthly average fruit- but I got this off another gem of a pregnancy website. It looks like another mango but states the baby is now over a pound, and approximately eleven inches long. That is a lot of baby.
I have actually felt her kick a few times from the outside, but so far Mike only caught one kick, at the end, and he wasn't even sure if he felt it. Soon enough. I must say it helps me to not worry as much because she moves so much now that it makes me stress less over, "is she ok?" Anything moving that much is juuuuuuust fine.
I can not believe how close I am to the 3rd trimester already!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Does this baby make be look fat??

Well, I am 23 weeks tomorrow, and I look like I am about to give birth.... I am huge, and baffled by the ability of my skin to stretch to this extreme without tearing.
I swear the human body is mind-boggling....

Friday, October 23, 2009


The baby on the ticker is closer to the end than the beginning.... wow.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Belly Button Watch 2009

So here we go, week 4, no change other than my protruding belly!

While You Are Here...

So today I went to the Dr. because I felt like poo, and she wanted to follow up on a few things from our last visit. As I was getting ready to leave, she springs on me, "while you are here, do you have like and hour or so to kill?" I said I guess, thinking she wanted to monitor me or something, and she went on to tell me that because I had not eaten anything, and I was due anyways, it was the perfect time for me to take my 1 hour glucose test.....
Basically you drink this crappy super sweet orange drink (you have to finish it in 5 minutes, I just plugged my nose and gulped it down) and then you sit around for an hour and they draw your blood. I was trapped at the OB's office (you can not leave) with nothing to read except for those crappy free pregnancy magazines that are just full of advertisements for things you don't need. Let's just hope I pass this one, if not I have to take a 3 hour test, which would totally suck. I find out the results sometime next week.

22 weeks

Yay... I am having a hard time getting pumped up for 22 weeks, mainly because i feel totally crappy today. On a good note I got to hear her heartbeat for a while today, it was a solid 152. From now on, we only get a monthly fruit, and I am confused because some charts say I am entering month 6, others say month 5. Either way, this month Nyla is a fat Papaya.

I think I have the flu

got a call back and my swab was negative, it is NOT the swine flu, just the regular, run of the mill seasonal flu.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Holy Cow 1,000 views... yet not a single comment... lurkers!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby's 1st Football Game

Lets Go Buffalo!
Nyla is officially a Bills baby. I swear it is all Michelle's fault, she decided if the Jets won, she was doomed to be a Jets baby like her dad, but if the Bills won, she would begin the torturous journey of being a Buffalo fan. Go Bills. It was cold, but the rain held off, and the game was terrible, but in the end the bills pulled off an upset! I will update with pictures shortly, my camera died and is charging so I can not upload pics. Here is a crappy cell phone shot of our seats:
You almost feel bad for Sanchez in the picture.
I really hope she likes football!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Belly Button Watch 2009

Week 3 of belly button watch.... no real change in the picture, but in person it is getting much more shallow...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our First Purchase

Mike and I made our first baby purchase today! We bought Nyla a cute fleece outfit that Mike is referring to as a "baby sack with ears and mittens". I think it is adorable...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

21 weeks!!

Today I am 21 weeks pregnant (or 19 weeks to go) Counting down is really exciting, and yet completely terrifying. I feel like time has FLOWN by! This week we start measuring from head to heel vs. the past measurements which were crown to rump (aka. head to butt). This week we have a BIG banana!!
Is it bad that I am already starting to get impatient? I know I signed up for 40 weeks, but I am getting anxious to meet her!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I finished the paintings I made for decorating the nursery! I got the bedding in the mail today, and I am so excited to start decorating! The top three are based on the bedding that I bought, and the letters are the deal of the century from Walmart. The plain wooden letters were only $1.97 a piece!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Yay! A HUGE thanks to Mom & Dad Fotiadis for their generous gift to of nursery furniture for Nyla!!! We got the Carters Sleep Haven collection, and I love it!
convertible lifetime crib
dresser and changing table

I can not wait to start decorating and putting everything together, hopefully this will help me pass time over the next few months!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Belly Button Watch 2009

Week 2 Observations:
I am getting pale... stupid fall.... belly got rounder, and the cavernous quality of the belly button is slowly disappearing before my very eyes. I am going to keep posting these until my vain self develops a shit ton of stretch marks and hides the belly in shame.

20 Weeks

We're Halfway There.......
(A little Jovi to start the day)

We are at 20 weeks!!!! This is the halfway point, and we are going to put the whole preparation thing into gear! This week the baby is a nice round cantaloupe and I can really tell! While the kicks are definitely there, they are not too often, and unfortunately Mookie has yet to feel one from the outside. We know she is moving, and I can feel her wiggling around all the time, but we are hoping he gets to feel her soon! And now, Nyla in produce....
I was also astonished at the redonculous (it is a word I swear) transformation the belly has made thus far, and I know we are only halfway there. I looked down the other day and it just shocks me!
(avert your eyes if a pregnant chick in a sports bra creeps you out)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Meaning of Nyla

Courtesy of my Mom..

I love Etsy!

I just found the best wall letters, made to match the bedding I bought!
LOVES IT! I already emailed them!
Here is an example of the talented work!!!
Here is the website and blog of the talented mamma!
Check it out!


Now that we know it is a baby girl, the website got a girly makeover!
What a great day.

I am also jumping right into the nursery, first up bedding while I come to terms with the fact I can not afford the crib that I want......

It's A Girl!!!

It's A Girl!!
Meet Nyla Isabella Schmieder!!!
She is 10oz and heartrate is 147
she has 10 fingers, 10 toes and looks perfect!!!!
(picture overload)

big day!

And I didn't sleep AT ALL last night because I am so excited!
10 AM can not come fast enough!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


ARGH, only one more day until the big ultrasound and I am so impatient. I wish I could close my eyes and fall asleep until 10am tomorrow!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Baby's 2nd Concert

It was awesome. The baby likes bass.