So I have been feeling SOOOOOO much better, aside from the fact I get a nice rager of a headache every afternoon. The doctor thinks the headaches are either
1- hormones and will go way over the next few weeks
2- I need new glasses- pregnancy is making my eyes wacky, and I need a stronger prescription (i get them in the afternoon usually)
3- She is convinced I have T.M.J and that is contributing somewhat..... she said this can definitely effect the head, and because they are in the frontal lobe it is highly likely. ( All this from having a woman hold my face while I opened my jaw 4 times)
I think it is because at less than 1 month to 28 years old I am cutting a wisdom tooth in the back corner of my mouth and it is KILLING me! Needless to say diagnosing this could cost a pretty penny, so for now I have invested in a $7.99 in a bottle of tylenol.
Anywho- I am almost half way there, so I thought I would share not only the piece of produce that most accurately describes the baby, but an actual photo as well.... Enjoy :)
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