Wednesday, September 30, 2009

19 weeks!

Wow, this week really crawled by... up until now time was FLYING. This is going to be a memorable week though, we get to find out the sex and see Baby Schmieder again in 6 days!!!!
As always, my baby in produce, this week we present- the MANGO
Also, if you are not an avid consumer of the mango, a more practical assessment is that the baby is the size of a fully loaded 6-inch roast beef sun from Subway... MMmmmmmmm
So while sleeping is getting harder and harder , I honestly do feel like I have more energy than I have in months!!! The back pain sucks too, but at least I am learning how to limit that by avoiding standing too long, hunching over, etc. Our next adventure... figuring out how the heck to find some parenting/childbirth classes. That should be interesting.....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ugh, I thought this would be a fun part. We have decided we are going to register at Babies R Us, and there is soooooo much to get. And NOTHING is cheap. It is slightly overwhelming. We are going to have to wait on a lot of stuff until we know the sex, but we have gotten started based on recommendations from friends with kids, as well as the "must haves" list from my Doctor and the Babies R Us website. This is going to take a while....
We are registered under Jocelyn and Michael Schmieder
Hillsborough, NJ
Estimated Delivery Date is 02/24/2010
Registry #43402082

Belly Button Watch 2009

Ok, we are officially beginning belly button watch 2009- it is disappearing along with my feet!!!!
This photo was taken yesterday at 18 weeks, 5 days.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Missing:My Feet

Missing: My Feet
Description: Surprisingly smooth, recently manicured, size 6.5 feet
Last Seen: Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby's 1st Football Game

Baby's 1st Football Game is officially October 18,2009! Just because the baby is not born yet, doesn't mean it can't enjoy the game!!!!! After 18 weeks the baby can hear, and from what I have read after 20 weeks they can react. I will just have to keep my jumping up from excitement to a minimum, knowing the bills, this may not be an easy task.

Mike and I will be heading to Giants stadium meadowlands for
Jets Vs. Bills!
I must say, however, I am slightly disappointed by the lack of maternity NFL gear.... all I could find was this lame tee shirt.....
I guess I will have to squeeze into one of my old tees....
As far as Mom and Dad are concerned..... the rivalry continues

(and below you will see one of the worst pictures of Mike ever taken at the game last year)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

18 Weeks!

Halfway there! The our little sweet potato baby is almost to the middle of the chart at the top of the page. I have to say that I am LOVING the 2nd trimester, and I get it now, I actually feel really good most of the time.

The only symptom that has stepped up it's game is the back pain. Pretty rough and really only when I spend a lot of time standing, but it really hurts at the very bottom of my back. It is almost a numb feeling, pretty painful, but luckily not too frequent. Plus, whenever it hurts, my amazing husband gives me lower back massages whenever I need it! I love him, and I can not wait until we get to see baby Schmieder again!

Friday, September 18, 2009


YAY! We have officially scheduled the anatomy scan for October 6th at 10AM!!! That is two days earlier than what they originally told me!!! I know they are doing a full anatomy scan, but lets be real here... I want to know the gender, and this is the appointment I think I am going to find out!!! I can not wait, so exciting.....
I think I am going to add a ticker to count it down...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I want this.. it looks amazeballs!

17 Weeks

So I have been feeling SOOOOOO much better, aside from the fact I get a nice rager of a headache every afternoon. The doctor thinks the headaches are either
1- hormones and will go way over the next few weeks
2- I need new glasses- pregnancy is making my eyes wacky, and I need a stronger prescription (i get them in the afternoon usually)
3- She is convinced I have T.M.J and that is contributing somewhat..... she said this can definitely effect the head, and because they are in the frontal lobe it is highly likely. ( All this from having a woman hold my face while I opened my jaw 4 times)

I think it is because at less than 1 month to 28 years old I am cutting a wisdom tooth in the back corner of my mouth and it is KILLING me! Needless to say diagnosing this could cost a pretty penny, so for now I have invested in a $7.99 in a bottle of tylenol.

Anywho- I am almost half way there, so I thought I would share not only the piece of produce that most accurately describes the baby, but an actual photo as well.... Enjoy :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


out of nowhere! it is officially not gas bubbles, this baby is MOVING! This just blew my mind a little. When I roll over, I feel it move, when I bend over, I feel it move, and when I was freaking out driving over the driscoll bridge the other day ( if you know me you know how worked up I get about bridges) it was moving, making it even harder to concentrate and remain calm. So bizarre. I googled baby moving, and this video came up... weird.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

16 Weeks

Well..... I am no longer able to sleep on my belly, my pants officially do not fit, and I am swelling so much my wedding rings barely fit. So this is what 16 weeks pregnant feel like...
Dr's appointment tomorrow, maybe we can sweet talk them into giving me an ultrasound so we can see the sex... not likely, but I can wish! I also kept feeling these weird "flutters" in my belly, though I am still not quite sure whether they are gas or baby. I am thinking baby, because I have never felt gas like this before....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 15

Holy hell... the 3D baby over on the side bar actually looks like a baby now! We are 5 weeks away from the halfway point,and I am getting fatter by the day! I have to say I was annoyed that I was showing so much this early, but apparently mothers are jealous of me, because they wanted bumps earlier in their pregnancy. I have been asked 4 times so far if it is twins once I have told people my due date...

WTF... even when I am pregnant I am apparently "overweight"... lol

Either way, my belly officially sticks out further than by boobs- which is quite a feat. It gets especially bloated at night, and I can no longer sleep on my belly comfortably (which is VERY upsetting, belly is the only position that usually works for me)

Eh.... whatever, at least I am feeling SO much better.... though I had a friend tell me recently, "Ooooh you are in your 2nd trimester! Enjoy it now, it only goes down hill from here."

Week 15....