Wednesday, December 30, 2009

32 weeks!

We are almost to term!!!

5 weeks left until the baby is considered full term, 8 weeks until my due date!! OMG I am so excited, nervous, stressed, anxious.... just about every emotion possible is flying out of me right now. According to the ticker above I am going to be gaining a pound a week from now on, half of that goes straight to Nyla as she grows her baby chub. I already joined a postpartum weight loss support group.... we are all due in February, so it will be nice to have a group to work with that is going through the exact same things I am! I have now gained 27lbs... yikes.

Nyla now has fingernails, toenails, and real hair. I am assuming she is going to come out with ahead full of it because I have the WORST heartburn and everyone tells the old wives tale about heartburn=hair. Knowing her parents, I would not be surprised if she pops out covered in hair and needing to shave her legs & armpits.

I have no idea what a jicama is, but apparently that is the approximate size of Nyla right now, a large jicama.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Three more down, tons to go!

So we can scratch another 3 items off our before baby preparation list, and I am super stoked about this one. We finally ordered our carseat and stroller, and because of a special they were running we got and extra base free ($90) and a $100 mail-in rebate!!! Now that we have a car seat ordered I feel 300x's better prepared, that was the one thing I was nervous about! Thank you to Grandpa Fotiadis for your generous xmas gifts, it really helped us out with this one!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Over It

I just want to meet her already!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So much to do... so little time!
Mike and I are off to celebrate our last Christmas we will have as "just the two of us" So exciting! Have a happy and safe holiday!
ps... tonight is the night I am going to
indulge in my one glass of red wine...
I am so stoked...

31 Weeks!

I am now 8 months pregnant... and I feel every bit of it.
I am ALMOST to the point where I am totally over pregnancy, usually this comes when I am trying to roll over, sit up, or walk gracefully from one side of the room to the other.... I have also developed a 3 point turning system for rolling over in bed, Mike calls it my k turn.

I have also realized that I pee so often, that we are going through toilet paper almost 3x's as fast, and our water bill has gone up.... another unexpected side effect of the awesomeness that is pregnancy.

Mike and I were talking last night and we realized maybe it is time to go out and buy some stuff.... like diapers, wipes, some of the things we just kept putting off because "we have time" In the beginning the doctors warned me that I may not make it past 34 weeks because of my blood pressure, which is only 3 weeks away, but I still have the gut feeling that if this kid is anything like her mother she is staying put until March just to prove everyone wrong.

Nyla is experiencing her final hardcore growth spurt this month, she can turn her head, recognize music and voices, and her pupils can dilate from light. For the time being she is my little honeydew..... my adorable, kicking, swimming, somersaulting, heavy honeydew.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Last night it was totally flat, this morning it has re-surfaced for a valiant last effort, but it is inevitable that we must say goodbye for now....

30 Weeks!!!!

OMG! I can not believe we are at 30 weeks, the last in my 7th month!
I have to say that I can feel the downward spiral starting.... I have the pregnant waddle now all the time, I get tired very easily (but can not sleep) and my equilibrium is way off! I went to bend over to put my boots on the other day and nearly fell on my face!

If all is according to schedule, Nyla should be weighing in just over 3lbs this week, and let me tell you I can feel every one of them. For those interested, we set up a baby guessing game for fun to guess the weight, length and birthday. The link to the game in on the right sidebar!

So we are officially 10 weeks until my due date, 7 weeks until I reach "full term", and 5 weeks from when the doctor first predicted I would give birth based on underlying medical conditions (we showed those doctors! she is as stubborn as her mom already) I have a sneaking suspicion because of this, she will most likely go overdue! This week Nyla is being compared to one big 'ol cabbage, makes me want corned beef... Mmmmmmmmm

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Pool!

Place your bets now!

Belly Button Watch 2009

We are almost to the end of 2009... so with that I am updating the belly button watch. I still think it has a fighting chance of remaining through the pregnancy, though Mike thinks inevitably some time in January it will pop.... Right now it only looks like a belly button when she is not leaning on it. When she leans on it, it HURTS and gets totally flat on the bottom, while the top totally sticks out. So strange. Here is the comparison from week 1 to week 11..... what a difference a trimester(and a tan) makes!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We've Come a Long Way Baby

When you lay it out like this... it seems like I have been pregnant for so long, but in all honesty it is truly flying by!!

1-4 Weeks- COMPLETE
5-8 Weeks- COMPLETE
9-13 Weeks-COMPLETE

14-17 Weeks- COMPLETE
18-21 Weeks- COMPLETE
22- 26 Weeks- COMPLETE

27-30 Weeks- IN PROGRESS
30-35 Weeks- 8 Months
35-40 Weeks- 9 Months

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Wow, I have been so busy this week, almost forgot to post. Work is kicking my butt lately!

We hit 29 weeks on Wednesday, and Nyla is as active as ever. She is just a kicking and tumbling machine. She especially likes to sit nice and low, making sitting comfortably almost impossible! I am starting the kick counting which basically means once a day I take a time when she is really active and count her kicks/movements over the course of an hour. Ten or more we are good to go, less than ten, I call the doctor and we get her heart rate checked out.

At 29 weeks we are a full sized butternut squash weighing in at an impressive 2.5 to 3lbs and a little over 15 inches from head to heel. She will still grow about another 5 inches in length before I hand her the eviction notice in February.

Fun fact, this trimester the baby is taking 250MG of calcium a day from me to deposit and help strengthen her bones for her departure.

Monday, December 7, 2009


When you are younger, and your mom tells you that one day when you get pregnant your cute belly button piercing will look freaking gross.... she is right, especially when it starts to turn inside out...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

28 Week Ultrasound

Say hello to our little fatty!
She is 2lbs 11oz, her heart rate is 141, and she is measuring 3 days ahead of schedule.... my belly is measuring a week ahead of schedule.

She actually let us see her this time! I think she behaved because my mom was there this time and she was looking to impress... enjoy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

28 Weeks!

We made it to 28 weeks, and we have so much going on this week!
I swear I can still remember when I was typing 8 weeks! We are officially in the christmas season, my favorite time of year, and this year Mike even let me decorate the house early!
This week we have our last monthly doctor visit, and we start going every 2 weeks, plus we get to see Nyla again tomorrow!
This week she is already moving around like CRAZY, and you can totally see when she kicks my belly! This week she weighs around 2.25 lbs and is 15 inches long!
The produce of choice this week is a Chinese cabbage.
She is blinking, and already has eyelashes (hopefully she inherits those from her father) that we may see flutter at the ultrasound tomorrow!

According to babycentre I am going to gain about
11 lbs in the next 4 weeks