Monday, November 30, 2009

Frickin A

This weekend I got a call from a nurse saying my
sugar levels/iron levels were fine.
This morning I got a call and they "took it back"

Apparently, as far as sugar levels, most classify "normal" as 65 to 140 points. My doctor classifies 65 to 135 as normal. I was at a 137. I have to take a 5 HOUR test tomorrow. I have to fast all night, and I am already miserable. Booooooooooo.......
maybe I will be blogging from the Dr.s office tomorrow to kill time,
and I am bringing a pillow to sit on.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Belly Picture

27 weeks and 2 days....
and I can no longer see my toes, no matter how hard I try....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Final Stretch

Welcome to the third trimester!

I am officially in the third trimester as of today! I am 27 weeks pregnant and I feel every bit of it!
This week marks a lot of milestones, I am in my 7th month, third trimester, 10 weeks to full term, 13 weeks until my due date, and Mike turns the big 3-0 on Friday!
Baby center says she is opening and closing her eyes, sucking her thumb, her brain is super active and she can even get the hiccups! For the duration of month seven, and Nyla is officially our little squash, and this week she is a head of yummy cauliflower!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Glucose Test.... Round 2!

So went for my second glucose test this afternoon, and got an unpleasant surprise... it was a
Luckily I brought along my work, laptop and wireless air-card, but this was not fun.

I was starving too, because they told me I could not eat for 12 hours before. The lack of food and beverages (other than the nasty orange syrup drink) combined with my history for not dealing well with blood being drawn lead to me me passing out 2 of the 3 times they took blood, making the process even more miserable.

Also, the chairs in the doctor's office need a serious upgrade. My butt is killing me. They should have a special seating area for woman doing this test, it is just cruel to make us sit in hard, tiny, uncomfortable chairs.

That is the end of my rant.. I am going to take a nap.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rocko Discovers the Belly...

This happened about 10 minutes ago... so cute...


I will stay here and investigate...

I think I hear something in there....


Mike refers to it as an alien moment, so we are going with that.

Anywho, I just had my first "alien" moment with Nyla. I was laying in bed and she is kicking up a storm, and I put my hand on my belly... she kicked it, HARD, so I pushed back (probably not something you are supposed to do , but I did) Then I lifted my hand up, and I SAW her kick me. My skin totally moved. It was like in space balls when the alien pokes out of the guys stomach, only I thought it was awesome instead of ridiculous. Had to share.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

26 weeks!

26 weeks pregnant! This is the last week of my 2nd trimester and of month six! Time really does fly. I swear one minute I feel completely ready to be a mom, then the next minute I have a total panic attack. I also found out I have to re-do my glucose test, BOO. A little about baby, her eyes are completely developed, though still sealed shut, and she can register different sounds and light. Apparently Mike should start talking to the belly more, because some studies show the baby gets a familiarity with our voices starting in the 6th/7th months.

This week Nyla is the length of an english cucumber
(about 14 inches from head to toes)
and she is at the large scale of the eggplant (around 2 lbs!)

Monday, November 16, 2009

100 Days

I officially have 100 days left in my pregnancy.
That seems like so little time!

I remember vaguely college our 100 days party, I think it was at a bar, I can assure you we all got hammered, had a blast and ate crappy Manga's pizza at 2am dipped in bleu cheese like it was the best thing in the world.

I feel like I should celebrate this milestone too... but how to celebrate? Rather that pissing away money (literally) like past celebrations at the bar, I think I am going to treat myself to some shopping... which will probably lead to me buying something for Nyla, not myself, because that is all I seem to be wanting to shop for lately!

I googled 100 days party looking for some sort of cute graphic to add to the post, what I got was so much better...



Mike felt Nyla kick last night!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Belly Button Watch 2009

We are at week 6 of the belly button watch. It is starting to hurt a little, I supposed I am lucky though that it is still a distinctive belly button! I still think that I will retain some sort of inny (sp?), while Mike is convinced it is going to pop!
Also I included a close up, the belly sure is getting rounder too!!

25 Weeks!!!

So I am a day late, yesterday was a bit hectic with work and whatnot, but I am officially 25 weeks!!! I am rounding out the 2nd trimester already!!! Depending on what website i look at, some even say I start the 3rd tri this week while others say it is not until week 28! Either way it is so exciting! This week she is starting to grow her baby fat, and over the next few weeks she will more than double in weight! Amazing, but according to everything I have read, I also can gain up to a pound a week from now on!!!

Thanks to babycenter, we are back on the produce! This week the baby is a large rutabaga. I can honestly say I do not think I have ever seen one in person. Is a rutabaga considered produce?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Belly Picture

I took another one for your viewing pleasure...
You can't see anything other than my massive baby belly...

24 Week Ultrasound

Mike and I just got back from the ultrasound... she looks amazing :):)
Nyla WOULD NOT cooperate with the 3D, she kept putting her hands and the umbilical cord in her face, so no shots this time, but her blood flow is good which is always the main concern. They did a growth and doppler, and she is right on target! She is 1lb 8oz, and really looks like a baby now. My placenta is normal, and she is head down, and we are good to go. Here are the few shots we got from the tech, she was all business so we did not get a ton of pictures...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


we get to see nyla tomorrow :) I get so excited every time!

24 weeks

Holy Cow.
So I am 24 weeks pregnant, in my 6th month, and I have about 16 weeks to go!!! According to websites, I now have a football inside of me. I can feel it too. So good news, I passed my glucose test, I am still in the normal range on Blood Pressure and OFF medications! My highest spike was 150/100, and it dropped as soon as I calmed down (I was having a stressful day) Tomorrow we get another growth/doppler scan, I hope we get more pictures!!! Mike was so cute when I reminded him this morning, he just looked at me and was like, "we get to see cloud champion!" I love him. We are still at a large papaya in the fruit department, but here is the football courtesy of My Boys Can Swim.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Belly Button Watch 2009

Week 5
Still not much of a change in the camera shot, but I swear it is getting more and more shallow in person. I am still thinking I am just going to lose it, but no necessarily get an outie... You can definitely see that my belly is getting bigger though..


So we are not finished yet, but here are the photos from Mike putting together furniture!!!

And here are the shots of where we decided to put the furniture! I love the way my new office space came out!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

You know what is awesome??

I will tell you what is awesome... being 23.5 weeks pregnant and having your breast start leaking weird clear shit while you are wearing a thin sports bra and grey tee-shirt in public. That is awesome. I was not even aware this could happen before you gave birth.

Why isn't this shit in what to expect while you're expecting!?!?!?!?!?!??!


Question, why is it that this:
is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted, when in the past looking at sauerkraut made me feel like vomiting.